Sunday 5 July 2015

Exhibition time

 It is finally here! The exhibition time, the night we all worked hard for! I am very proud of everyone, I think everyone did an amazing job, has an amazing work and I am honoured to be part of the exhibition and the class. In my opinion room looks amazing, work is the main focus which was important, and everything else is in perfect order. I hope everyone else feels the same!

Last minute changes

As we had some difficulties meeting the deadline, we had to do some last minute changes. Basically both room concepts needed to be placed in one room. We all tried to work together to do the best we can. The flooring was done, carped was taped with double-sided tape so it is safe and secure, both tables for screens and work are placed and skirting put on the top of the carpet. After that was done people from Nexos lighting did the lighting and all in all came even better than it looked before. Everyone has the place for its work, everything was filled with work and the room is ready to go!